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Creating Interactions

An Interaction represents an action a user can perform, similar to a post API. Unlike other web frameworks, we don't need to declare how data should be handled when an interaction occurs. Instead, we reference Interactions backward in data definitions, as detailed in Use Computed Data.

A simple friendship interaction is as follows:

const sendInteraction = Interaction.create({
name: 'sendRequest',
action: Action.create({name: 'sendRequest'}),
payload: Payload.create({
items: [
name: 'to',
base: UserEntity,
itemRef: userRefB

Using Condition

Condition is used to restrict the current user's execution of Interaction. Within the Condition's evaluation, you can access information about the current user, payload, and more, enabling complex judgments. For example, we might restrict users under the age of 20 from sending requests to users over the age of 50:

const shouldNotSendCondition = Condition.create({
name: 'shouldNotSend',
content: async function (this: Controller, event: InteractionEventArgs) {
const BoolExp =
const match = BoolExp.atom({key: 'id', value: ['=',]})
const toUser = await'User', match)
return !(event.user.age < 20 && toUser.age > 50)

const sendInteraction = Interaction.create({
name: 'sendRequest',
action: Action.create({name: 'sendRequest'}),
conditions: shouldNotSendCondition,
payload: Payload.create({
items: [
name: 'to',
base: UserEntity,
itemRef: userRefB

In Condition, is often used to fetch data. For specific APIs, refer to reference/storage.

When conditions are complex, BoolExp can be used to link multiple conditions to form logical combinations. These are then transformed into Condition using boolExpToConditions. For instance, adding to our previous example, let’s say users cannot send to users with a different role. We can connect these two conditions using BoolExp:

import {bool} from "prop-types";

const shouldNotSendCondition2 = Condition.create({
name: 'shouldNotSend2',
content: async function (this: Controller, event: InteractionEventArgs) {
const BoolExp =
const match = BoolExp.atom({key: 'id', value: ['=',]})
const toUser = await'User', match)

return event.user.role === toUser.role

const sendInteraction = Interaction.create({
// Use boolExpToConditions to convert BoolExp into Conditions
conditions: boolExpToConditions(
// Connect two conditions using and
BoolExp.and(shouldNotSendCondition, shouldNotSendCondition2)

Using Attributes

Attributive can restrict the users who can perform the current Interaction and can also be used to limit Payload.

Creating Attributive

Avoid using external variables in Attributive; it should remain a pure function. Otherwise, it may become invalid during serialization and deserialization.

An Attributive declaring "Mine" looks like this:

const Mine = Attributive.create({
name: 'Mine',
content: function(this: Controller, request, { user }){
return request.owner ===

For the API used in the computations, please refer to reference/storage.

Creating Generic Attributives

You can define certain attributives based on business rules, such as "Mine": it checks if the owner field on the entity points to the user making the current interaction request. You can have multiple differently named fields; it's recommended to inject field information through controller.globals into the attributive for evaluation rather than hardcoding it within Attributive

Using BoolExp to Combine Attributives

name: 'Pending',
content: async function(this: Controller, request, { user }){
return request.result === 'pending'

Creating GET Interaction for Data Retrieval

To retrieve data, we can create a GET Interaction. For example, to fetch all my pending requests:

import {GetAction} from "@interaqt/runtime";

const getMyPendingRequestsInteraction = Interaction.create({
name: 'getMyPendingRequests',
action: GetAction,
dataAttributive: boolExpToAttributives(
name: 'Pending',
content: async function (this: Controller, request, {user}) {
return request.result === 'pending'
data: RequestEntity,

Note that its action must be the imported GetAction. The data field indicates the type of data the user is retrieving. The dataAttributive is used to restrict the range of data accessible to the user.

Retrieving Complex Data Computations/Combinations

When the content to be retrieved is not a simple entity but a computed/combined result, this can be achieved by defining a Computation:

For example, to get the average number of Requests created by users in the system:

const average = Computation.create({
content: async function () {
const totalUsers = await'User').length
const totalRequests = await'Request').length
return totalRequests / totalUsers

const getMyPendingRequestsInteraction = Interaction.create({
name: 'getAverage',
action: GetAction,
data: averageRequestsCount,

For the API used in the computations, please refer to reference/storage.