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API Response

Interaction API

The Interaction API invocation returns an object of type InteractionResponse in JSON format to the client. Below is the type definition:

type InteractionCallResponse= {
// Any error information during the call, common ones include ConditionError/AttributiveError
error?: any,
// Get Interaction will return the fetched data such as entities/relations/global states, etc.
data?: any,
// Event object generated during this call
event: InteractionEvent
// Information about data changes like record create/update, etc., generated in the interaction
effects? : any[]
// Results and error information from sideEffect calls in the interaction
sideEffects?: {
[k: string]: SideEffectResult
// Context generated during the interaction call, such as activityId
context?: {
[k: string]: any

type InteractionEvent = {
interactionId: string,
interactionName: string,
activityId?: string,
args: InteractionEventArgs

type SideEffectResult = {
result: any,
error: any


Suppose we have an Interaction named createPost, with its own definition and related entity/relations definitions as follows:

const titleProp = Property.create({
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
collection: false,

const bodyProp = Property.create({
name: 'body',
type: 'string',
collection: false,

const createdAtProp = Property.create({
name: 'createdAt',
type: 'number',
collection: false,
computed: () => {

const postEntity = Entity.create({
name: 'Post',
properties: [

const userEntity = Entity.create({
name: 'User',
properties: [
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
collection: false,

// relation between post and user who created the post
const ownerRelation = Relation.create({
source: PostEntity,
sourceProperty: 'owner',
target: UserEntity,
targetProperty: 'posts',
relType: 'n:1',

const createPostInteraction = Interaction.create({
name: 'createPost',
action: Action.create({name: 'createPost'}),
payload: Payload.create({
items: [
name: 'content',
base: UserEntity,
itemRef: userRef

// post.createAt is automatically calculated each time createPostInteraction is executed
createAtProp.computedData = MapInteraction.create({
items: [
interaction: createInteraction,
map: () =>,
computeTarget: (event: InteractionEventArgs) => {
return {id: event.payload! }

// The ownerRelation between post and user is automatically calculated each time createPostInteraction is executed.
ownerRelation.computedData = MapInteraction.create({
items: [
interaction: createInteraction,
map: (event: InteractionEventArgs) => {
return {
source: event.user,
target: event.payload!.content
computeTarget: (event: InteractionEventArgs) => {
return {id: event.payload! }

When calling createPostInteraction, we will receive the following InteractionResponse:

"sideEffects": {},
"event": {
"interactionName": "createPost",
"interactionId": "8911382d-c80a-4fa2-a052-fcf022ff1444",
"args": {
"user": {
"name": "A",
"id": 1
"payload": {
"content": {
"title": "t1",
"body": "b1",
"id": 1
"effects": [
"type": "update",
"recordName": "Post",
"record": [
"createdAt": 1704180768027,
"id": 1
"type": "create",
"recordName": "User_post_owner_Post",
"record": {
"source": {
"name": "A",
"id": 1
"target": {
"title": "t1",
"body": "b1",
"createdAt": "1704180768027.0",
"id": 1
"id": 1

Custom API

The return value of a user's Custom API function is returned to the client in JSON format.


const hello = createDataAPI(
function hello(this: Controller, context: DataAPIContext, name: string) {
return { message: `hello ${name}` }
{ allowAnonymous: true, params: ['string'] }

startServer(controller, {
port: 8082,
parseUserId: async (headers) => {
// ...
}, {

When calling hello with the parameter name set to "world", we will receive the following InteractionResponse:

"message": "hello world"