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Interaqt automatically generates database table structures for you based on your entity and relationship data. Interaqt currently supports three types of databases:

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • MySQL When creating a System, we can specify the type of database, as shown in the example below:
import {MonoSystem, Controller, startServer, PostgreSQLDB} from 'interaqt/runtime'
// Initialize your database here. Replace with your database information.
const db = new PostgreSQLDB('myapp', {
password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
// Pass it as the first argument to System
const system = new MonoSystem(db)
const controller = new Controller(system, [], [], [], [], [])
startServer(controller, {
port: 8082,
parseUserId: async (headers) => {
// ...


The type definition for PostgreSQL is as follows:

export class PostgreSQLDB implements Database{
public database: string,
public config: Config
) {}

interface Config {
user: string | undefined;
password: string | (() => string | Promise<string>) | undefined;
port: number | undefined;
host: string | undefined;
connectionString?: string | undefined;
keepAlive?: boolean | undefined;
statement_timeout?: false | number | undefined;
ssl?: boolean | ConnectionOptions | undefined;
query_timeout?: number | undefined;


The type definition for SQLite is as follows:

export class SQLiteDB implements Database{
public database: string,
public config: Config
) {}

interface Config {
timeout?: number | undefined;


The type definition for MySQL is as follows:

export class MySQLDB implements Database{
public database: string,
public config: Config
) {}

interface Config {
user: string | undefined;
password: string;
port: number | undefined;
host: string | undefined;
connectTimeout?: number;